15 Letter Word Finder
15 Letter Word Finder
The 15 Letter Word Finder tool is designed to help you find fifteen-letter words based on various criteria. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use it:
Make Words With These Letters (optional):
- Enter the letters you want to use to form a word.
- You can use "?" as a wildcard to represent any letter.
There are 3 possibilities depending on how many letters you enter:
- Less than 15 letters: This will find 15 letter words containing all the given letters plus wildcards for the remaining letters.
- Exactly 15 letters: This will form words by using all the given letters. This is also known as an anagram.
- More than 15 letters: This will find 15 letter words formed by using any 15 letters from the given set.
Letters By Position (optional):
- This section contains 15 boxes for the fifteen letter positions in the word.
- Enter the letters that you know must be in specific positions within the word.
- Leave the box blank if you don't know the letter for that position.
- For example, to find 15 letter words that start with "A" and end with "N", enter "A" in the first box, "N" in the last box and leave the 13 boxes in the middle blank.
Letters To Exclude (optional):
- Enter the letters that should not be in the word.
- You can enter as many letters as you want.
- For example, to find 15 letter words that only contains the vowel "A", you can enter "EIOU" in the exclude box.
Find 15 Letter Words:
- Click the green "Find 15 Letter Words" button to generate a list of words that match your criteria.
Using these steps, you can efficiently narrow down your search for specific fifteen-letter words based on the letters you have and the constraints you want to apply.